Evergreen libraries have the option to add new titles to the catalog as soon as they are ordered. This enables patrons to place holds on the titles before they are received.
If there is already a record in Evergreen for the item ordered, attach your holding. When the title is received, compare the record to the item in hand to make sure it is a match. To attach an on-order holding, either assign a barcode to the ordered item or create a unique number to use as a temporary barcode, such as the ISBN number + your library’s shortname.
If no record is found, either import a matching record or use a MARC template to create a temporary record. The record you import or create is considered an on-order record because you do not have enough information available to review all required fields.
Guidelines for on-order records #
On-order records should contain a minimum of the author, title, ISBN or standard number and the edition fields, if available.
A 599 field may be added to all imported and created on-order records; use all capital letters to distinguish this note:
When the item is received, upgrade the on-order record so it meets Evergreen standards for permanent records and delete the 599 field if present.
Check for and merge any duplicate records. When On Order records are very brief, other catalogers may not be able to determine whether a record is a match for their item, so you may find that a duplicate record for your on-order item has been imported.
NOTE: Even if you are not the cataloger who created the on-order record, please upgrade the record and delete the 599 field (when present) if you attach a holding and have the item in hand. If the ISBN in an On Order record matches your item, in most cases you should update the record even if the other information is not consistent, because the information from an item in hand is more accurate than pre-publication information.