Version 3.13
Permissions: Cat1
Best practice: To retain the record so that it can be undeleted, it is a best practice to add the record to a record Bucket before performing item or record deletions.
The Evergreen system prevents bibliographic records with holdings still attached from being deleted. You cannot delete a record until all holdings and call numbers are deleted.
If you delete the only remaining item attached to a particular Bibliographic record, the empty record will be deleted automatically from the catalog.
Since deleting the last holding does delete the Bibliographic record automatically, in most cases it is not necessary to manually delete the record. However, in some cases you MUST delete a Bibliographic record manually. If you accidentally import the wrong record, it should be deleted unless it can be merged with a duplicate that was already in the catalog. This is because the automatic removal of bibliographic records only occurs if attached holdings or call numbers are deleted. A record that never had a holding attached will not automatically delete.
If you no longer have items attached to the Bibliographic record but there are still call numbers associated with it, you will have to delete any remaining call numbers in order to delete the Bibliographic record. Deleting the last call numbers will delete the Bibliographic record.
Before deleting an item, call number, or record, you can choose to place the record in a record Bucket to assure access if the record is deleted in error. Deleted bibliographic records can be undeleted, but they cannot be searched in the catalog. Adding the Bibliographic record to a record Bucket allows you to access the record even after it has been deleted and will allow you the option to undelete it. You can only retrieve deleted records by TCN or Record ID if you know them.
Deleting Empty Records #
If an empty record needs to be deleted, you may do so from the record itself or through a record Bucket.
From a Record Bucket #
From the bib record, click Other Actions and select Add to Bucket. You will be prompted to add to an existing record Bucket or to create a new record Bucket.
Go to your Record Buckets. Choose the Bucket in which your empty record was placed. Select the record(s) to be deleted. Right-click select Actions and choose Delete Selected Records from Catalog.
A dialog box will appear confirming the deletion. Choose OK/Continue to proceed.
The record is now deleted from the database but it can still be accessed by the Database ID or TCN numbers.
From a Bibliographic record #
To delete the record directly, navigate to the MARC Edit tab within the Bibliographic record summary page and click Delete Record.
A dialog box will appear asking if you are sure you wish to delete this record. Click Confirm to delete it.
The screen will refresh and the record will be deleted. The Delete Record button will change to Undelete Record. This will allow the record to be re-added to the catalog.
A record containing no items will not be automatically removed from the Evergreen Indiana database if empty call numbers are still attached, and the record cannot be deleted by other catalogers. For this reason, be certain that all empty call numbers are deleted.
NOTE: There is a bug in version 3.11 where after deleting a record, the record summary information box is missing.
Undeleting Records #
If you feel you’ve made an error and still have the record in a Bucket, or if you know the Database ID or TCN, you may undelete it. You can retrieve deleted records by TCN, Record (Database) ID, or through a Record Bucket, but they cannot be found with a catalog search such as by title or ISBN.
Navigate to the MARC Edit tab on the deleted record and click Undelete Record.
Confirm that you wish to undelete the record and click Confirm. The screen will refresh and the red (Deleted) will also disappear from the record summary.
The record is now undeleted/restored, and holdings can be added.