Thank you for your interest in Evergreen Indiana! We agree that this is a terrific opportunity for libraries in Indiana and would like to share it with you. We are accepting applications from public libraries at this time to the consortium; we are happy to speak with schools and private libraries about the logistics of creating your own consortium or independent Evergreen catalog.

Membership Application

Evergreen Indiana Membership Packet


Because State of Indiana and federal Library Services and Technology Act [LSTA] grant funds are used to support Evergreen Indiana, successful applicants should be certified as in-standards under 590 IAC 6. Out-of-Standards applicants may apply under the terms of the Out-of-Standards Member Policy, but will be required to provided additional documentation to support their plan to resolve their standards issues in a timely fashion.

New applicants must complete all portions of the Membership Application and agree to abide by all consortium policies.

Applicants must be prepared to upgrade and/or purchase hardware and broadband internet service to comply with recommended minimums. Please see FAQs – Equipment & Software for the current minimum and recommended systems.


Evergreen Indiana charges an annual membership fee to support a portion of the costs of the program. The annual fee is based on each member library’s documented operating expenditures from the last five years. The current fee schedule and percentage rate tiers may be found here.

As a bonus, the consortium currently offers new members a full subsidy for the first full calendar year of service and a 50% discount on the second year.


We recommend that you take every opportunity to learn about Evergreen Indiana prior to applying for membership. Extensive documentation is available, and we are happy to speak with you in person about any questions and/or concerns you may have. We recommend that a migrating library allow at least 4-6 months for an optimum experience.

  1. Read through the available information on the FAQs, Member Resources, Governance, and Policies & Procedures pages as well as the Evergreen Indiana Membership Packet.
  2. Contact nearby Evergreen Indiana libraries for their opinions and to see how they have benefited from joining.
  3. Request a board and/or staff Q&A presentation from the Evergreen Indiana Coordinator.
  4. Review information with board, legal, and local government stakeholders in your library.
  5. Vote. The Library Board of Trustees must vote to join the consortium and sign off all relevant documents contained in the Membership Application.
  6. Mail original copies to the Evergreen Indiana Director.
  7. The Evergreen Indiana Executive Committee will review and vote on your application.
  8. Be approved and begin planning your migration:
    1. Review and update local policies to bring them in line with consortium policy.
    2. Obtain required equipment and hardware (as needed).
    3. Identify your local Project Manager for the migration.
    4. Complete migration surveys and forms.
    5. If you need to rebarcode or automate your collection, reach out to your community to locate volunteers to assist with those processes if you have limited staff availability.
    6. Begin training. Evergreen Indiana trainings are available quarterly at the Indiana State Library. New member libraries may request on-site trainings for volunteers and staff prior to migration.
    7. The Migration Team will complete an initial data extraction.
    8. The Project Manager and ISL Migration Team will review the data and confirm that the settings and mappings chosen for your library are functioning as desired and expected.
    9. The Evergreen Indiana Director and your Regional Coordinator will work with your library to set a migration date and select your transition program.
    10. A final data extraction is completed to capture new and changed records.
    11. Run final reports in your old ILS for the annual report and board reports.
    12. Begin using Evergreen Indiana on your go-live day. The Evergreen Indiana and Regional Coordinators will attend your migration day to assist with training reminders and to confirm everything is functioning correctly.
    13. Get involved! As a consortium governed and supported by members, we encourage member libraries to participate fully on governance committees, at conferences and meetings, and on our electronic mailing lists.