Because Evergreen uses a web browser, you can make use of the browser’s tab functionality. Tabs allow you to have several pages open at the same time in a single window. You can easily switch between tabs in the same window.
The tabs appear in a browser’s default area of the title bar (the location may depend on your browser settings). Open new Evergreen tabs by right-clicking or mouse wheel clicking on Evergreen links.
NOTE: In most browsers, Ctrl + T will open a non-Evergreen, standard web browser tab.
TIP: To open another splash screen, right click or mouse-click the home icon.
You can use tabs to have access to multiple things all at the same time: Patron records and searches, bibliographic records and searches, circulation or cataloging interfaces, etc.
Close a tab by pressing Ctrl+W on the keyboard or selecting Close Tab from the File (Alt + F) menu. You may also choose to click the X next to the tab.
NOTE: When you select a new function from the Evergreen Menu or use the shortcut keys, this function will open in your active tab, replacing whatever function you currently had open in that tab, so remember to open new tabs for new functions.
TIP: Tabs can help you to work more efficiently. You may wish to keep frequently used functions open in a certain tab. For instance, here is a tab configuration showing functions that might commonly be used by a cataloger: