The Evergreen ILS

What is the Evergreen ILS?


The Evergreen Integrated Library System [ILS] is a complex database program in which libraries may store patron, bibliographic, and item records and transaction records. The Evergreen ILS is available as an open source product. To find out more, please visit the Evergreen Project website.
Why did you pick the Evergreen ILS to share?


The founding pilot libraries researched available open source clients and determined that the Evergreen ILS was the most compatible with the needs of participating libraries. For more information, please visit the Evergreen Indiana History page.
Do I have to join Evergreen Indiana to use the Evergreen ILS?


Anyone may use the Evergreen ILS software without joining a consortium. Evergreen Indiana offers members many other benefits in addition to sharing software and materials, including tech support, free staff trainings, access to millions of records, purchasing discounts, and much more! Check out the Member Resources page to discover all the additional perks of membership.


How much does it cost to be a member of Evergreen Indiana?


Since 2016, member libraries have been charged an annual fee based on a tiered system reflecting a percentage of their annual expenditure. Previously, fixed rates were adopted on an annual basis by the Executive Committee.  On February 14, 2023, the Executive Committee adopted a new membership fee structure proposed by a working group from among Evergreen Indiana member libraries using a tiered percentage of the evaluated annual operating expenditures of member libraries that adjusts automatically based on library expenditures.  The following table represents the tiered fee structure approved by the Council in June 2014, adapted by the working group, and adopted by the Executive Committee.  Funds are used to expand services and reduce reliance on grant funding. 

Annual Membership Fee Percentage Rates
The new percentage rate fees were rolled out in a graduated manner in 2024.  To view membership fees for existing and prospective members, follow this link.
Tier Annual Fee Percentage Rate Maximum Evaluated Annual Operating Expenditure
1 0.000% (0.000) $50,000
2 0.700% (.007) $300,000
3 0.725% (.00725) $1,000,000
4 0.750% (.0075) $5,000,000
5 0.800% (.008) $10,000,000
6 1.000% (.01) $50,000,000

Additional costs to the member library generally include hardware (see below for recommended hardware), staff time, additional INfoExpress deliveries (if needed; additional day subsidized for members), a broadband internet connection, and barcoding materials (library cards and item barcodes).


How many libraries are in Evergreen Indiana?


There are over 130 public, school, institutional, and special libraries active in the Evergreen Indiana consortium. For a complete list of member libraries, please visit the Member Libraries page.
What does my library have to do to join Evergreen Indiana?


Visit the Join Evergreen Indiana page to discover how to become a member library in Evergreen Indiana.

Equipment & Software

Where do I access the staff interface?


Evergreen Indiana’s customized client is available at
What version of the client is Evergreen Indiana using?


Evergreen Indiana is currently running a customized version of Evergreen 3.11.2.

Does Evergreen Indiana have a patron app?

Yes! Apps for both Android and iOS devices may be accessed on the Get the App page.

What equipment is needed to run Evergreen in Evergreen Indiana?


The staff client must be installed on each staff workstation. Each workstation should be connected to a barcode scanner and receipt printer. A broadband internet connection is required for full functionality.

Recommended Minimum Hardware and Operating System:
Operating System: Windows (XP or later), Mac OS X, or Linux operating system
Memory: 4GB RAM or greater
Processor: Dual Core CPU or greater
Available Storage: 200MB of hard drive space

Library Cards and Barcodes

How do I purchase discounted standard green and blue Evergreen Indiana Library Cards?


Evergreen Indiana has regularly scheduled buying pools to allow for the purchase of library cards from PSI Graphics at negotiated rates. Dates and order forms for these buying pools are located in the Evergreen Indiana calendar. Orders may be submitted outside of pool dates.  Library cards can be ordered using this form.
How do I purchase discounted barcode labels?


Barcode labels can be ordered from PSI Graphics at a negotiated rate at any time during the year using the order form provided here but will ship during the next buying pool.

How does my library create custom library cards to use in the Evergreen Indiana Library Consortium?


In 2022, the EI Executive Committee voted to expand the definition of “Evergreen Indiana Library Card” to include library cards with appropriate consortial branding. Evergreen Indiana Library Card Standards can be viewed here. These standards provide guidance and necessary graphical elements when designing locally customized cards for your Evergreen Indiana member library.

Please note that locally customized cards are not eligible for negotiated rates from PSI Graphics and vendor relations are the responsibility of the library seeking to obtain customized cards.