Patrons may notify the Circulation Library or Checkout/Renew Library that the item they checked out is lost or has been returned even though it is still checked out to them. Both statuses remove the item from circulation. Only the Circulation Library may mark their items as Lost or Claims Returned.
- Retrieve the Patron’s record.
- Navigate to the Items Out tab.
- Select item(s) by clicking an item to highlight or check the box next to each additional item
- Right click or select Actions, and select either Mark Lost (By Patron) or Mark Claims Returned.

When an item is marked Lost or Claims Returned, it will automatically appear in the Other/Special Circulations section of the Patron record.

When an item is marked as claimed returned, a popup window will appear where you must enter a “claims returned date”. The item will then appear in the Other/Special Circulations section. Please note that there is no confirmation when you click Submit.

Claims Returned Notes #
- If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is before the original Due Date, the fines associated with that specific circulation transaction are voided.
- If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is after the Due Date, the fines will remain for whatever term of overdue was entered.
- Items cannot be removed from Claims Returned status except by checking in the item, marking it missing, or marking it lost.
- The item will remain on the Patron’s account under Other/Special Circulations until any associated billing is resolved, it is checked in, or it is marked as missing.
There are no alerts indicating Claims Returned items.
The Circulation Support Contact List is available here: Circulation Support Contact List.