If a Bibliographic record in the catalog is showing incorrect cover art, there are a few things you can do to to try and fix the issue.
How Content Café provides cover art. #
When available through Content Café, cover art is pulled using the first listed 020, 022, or 024 tag in the MARC record. If the first listed tag does not match the record itself, the cover art may appear incorrect.
Note #
I have personally found that if Baker & Taylor does not sell the item, cover art will not be provided by Content Café which is owned by Baker & Taylor. — Britta
Ways to fix incorrect or missing cover art. #
- Removing the incorrect data from the MARC,
- Uploading the correct cover art using the Cover Art Uploader, or
- Submit a HelpDesk ticket to request assistance.
You will want to check the data in those fields using other sources, like Amazon, ISBNSearch.org, etc. to see if they are correct.
Scenarios #
The MARC record is correct but the cover art is incorrect or missing! #
If you find that the information in the MARC records matches the item, but the cover art is still missing or incorrect, send in a HelpDesk ticket.
The MARC record has an ISBN that matches the cover art but not the record! #
Remove any identifying information (02X) that does not match the item in hand (record). The cover art should update once the offending data is removed.
I removed the bad 02X but the cover art is still wrong! #
It is possible that cover art was uploading using the Cover Art Uploader before the MARC record was updated. Any image uploaded to a MARC record will take precedent over any changes made to the MARC itself.
If this occurs, submit a HelpDesk ticket.