EDI accounts enable libraries to send purchase orders and receive invoices from providers electronically. In Evergreen Indiana, libraries can have EDI accounts set up and managed by EI administrators. EDI messages and notes can be viewed in the acquisitions module.
SANS (Standard Address Numbers) #
For EDI to work, a library must have a SAN and each of the library’s providers must supply EI administrators with their SAN. Similar to an ISBN, a SAN must be purchased. More information about purchasing a SAN is available here.
Create an EDI Account #
Note – A provider must be created in Evergreen prior to an EDI account being created for that provider.
- Contact the provider requesting the following information:
- Host
- Username
- Password
- Path
- Incoming Directory
- Provider’s SAN
- Select EDI Accounts from Acquisitions Administration page.
- Click New Account.
- In the dialog box that opens, fill in the following fields:
- In the Label field, enter a name for the EDI account. (Required)
- In the Provider field, select the code used in Evergreen for the provider. (Required)
- Select the appropriate library as the Owner from the drop-down menu. Multi-branch libraries should select their top level organizational unit.
- In the Host field, enter the requisite FTP or SCP information supplied by the provider. Be sure to include the protocol (e.g. ftp://ftp.vendorname.com).
- In the Account field, enter information supplied by the provider.
- In the Vendor Account Number field, enter information supplied by the provider.
- The Last Activity field updates automatically with any inbound or outbound communication.
- In the Username field, enter the username supplied by the provider.
- In the Password field, enter the password supplied by the provider.
- In the Path field, enter the path supplied by the provider. The path indicates a directory on the provider’s server where Evergreen will deposit its outgoing order files.
- If your provider requests a specific file extension for EDI purchase orders, such as .ord, enter the name of the directory, followed by a slash, followed by an asterisk, followed by a period, followed by the extension. For example, if the provider requests that EDI purchase orders be sent to a directly called in with the file extension .ord, your path would be in/*.ord.
- In the Incoming Directory field, enter the incoming directory supplied by the provider. This indicates the directory on the vendor’s server where Evergreen will retrieve incoming order responses and invoices.
- Don’t worry if the incoming directory is named out or outgoing. From the provider perspective, this directory is outgoing.
- If your Provider requires the use of an Attributes set, check the box next to Use EDI Attributes and select the correct Attributes set from the EDI Attributes Set drop-down.
- Click Save.
- If there are multiple EDI Accounts for a Provider, an EDI default can be set from the Provider interface.
EDI Attribute Sets #
EDI Attribute Sets define the information that is sent to a vendor in EDI messages. Evergreen currently has stock EDI Attribute Sets for use with several materials vendors:
- Baker & Taylor Default
- Brodart Default
- Ingram Default
- Midwest Library Service
- Midwest Tape Default
- Recorded Books Default
- ULS Default
These stock EDI Attribute Sets can be modified depending on EDI configuration needs and customized EDI Attribute Sets can also be created.
EDI Attribute Sets are linked to EDI Accounts in Administration → Acquisitions Administration → EDI Accounts.
View or modify existing EDI Attribute Set configuration #
To view or modify an existing EDI Attribute Set:
- Select the EDI Attribute Set row and go to the Actions menu or right-click to view the Actions menu and select Edit Selected.
- The EDI Attribute Set editor will appear.
- The Attribute Set Label will display the name of the EDI Attribute Set you are editing.
- A list of attributes and their descriptions display. If the box next to the attribute is checked, the attribute will be included in the EDI Attribute Set and the information will be sent to the vendor via EDI order message when an order is placed in Evergreen.
- Add or remove attributes from the set using the checkboxes and click Save.
Create a new EDI Attribute Set #
To create a new EDI Attribute Set:
- Click New EDI Attribute Set.
- Enter an Attribute Set Label to assign a name to the new attribute set. This may be the name of the vendor.
- Check the box next to each attribute to be included in the EDI Attribute Set.
- Click Save.
Clone an EDI Attribute Set #
To clone an EDI Attribute Set:
- Right click on the row of an Attribute Set.
- Select Clone Selected.
- Enter an Attribute Set Label to assign a new unique name to the cloned attribute set.
- Check or uncheck boxes next to attributes to make changes to the Attribute Set.
- Click Save.
EDI Messages #
The EDI Messages screen displays all incoming and outgoing messages between the library and its EDI providers. To see details of a particular message, including the raw EDIFACT message, double click on a message entry. To find a specific EDI message, the Filter options can be useful. EDI messages that pertain to a specific purchase order can be viewed from the purchase order interface.