Weekly Update – June 15, 2011

Approved by the Executive Committee, June 14, 2011

Pre-cataloged items will have 0 renewals starting on July 1, 2011.

Closed Dates Editor

With the 4th of July soon upon us, many libraries will need to use the Closed Dates Editor to set specific dates that their library will be closed. To do this, sign into the staff client as the localadmin, go to Admin (upper-right corner), Local Admin and Closed Dates Editor. Choose Add Single Day closing to indicate to the system that your library will be closed that day.

De-duping test – 2nd round

The last de-duping test resulted in a low percentage of false matches and over 1.2 million merges. Although we were pleased with the results from that test, another de-duping test ran this week with the following stricter criteria:

  • Similar bibs allowed to merge into similar bibs – The following bibs have been marked as allowed to merge into one another: book, book new, bestseller, bestseller no hold.
  • Retaining both 10 and 13 digit ISBNs even if one record merges into the other

By providing stricter matching criteria we will be lowering our chances of having false matches and increasing our chances of a successful de-duping project. The tentative date for the de-duping project to run on the production servers is July 1-4. There will be a catalog freeze at that time so we will inform the Evergreen Indiana community in advance.

Adding Circ Modifiers to Items created without one

During the course of preparing for and discussing the results of the de-duping test, it became apparent that several thousand Evergreen Indiana items have no Circ Modifier. Mike Peters has created a report that will identify items without a Circ Modifier at each library:

Admin > EI Templates > Item Records > “Null and Empty Circ Modifier Audit”

Each library will have until the end of July 29, 2011 to run this report and attach an appropriate Circ Modifier to each item. After that, empty Circ Modifiers will be set to book to ensure that the items are complying with the consortium’s circulation/fine rules.