May 23, 2022

Indiana Evergreeners, There’s a lot in today’s update.   Memorial Day Database Software Upgrade Regularly scheduled maintenance on the Evergreen Indiana database will occur over the Memorial Day weekend.  Libraries will need to use the offline transactions module on Saturday, May 28 – Read More

May 16, 2022

Indiana Evergreeners, There’s a lot in today’s update.   Memorial Day Database Software Upgrade Regularly scheduled maintenance on the Evergreen Indiana database will occur over the Memorial Day weekend.  Libraries will need to use the offline transactions module on Saturday, May 28 – Read More

May 9, 2022

Indiana Evergreeners, It’s Monday.  Here we are again.  It is beautiful outside here in Indianapolis.  Hopefully it is where you are as well. New Evergreen Indiana Acquisitions Training Manual! After several months of stops and starts, the Evergreen Indiana Acquisitions Training Manual Read More

May 2, 2022

Indiana Evergreeners, It’s Monday.  Here we are again.   Virtual Annual Meeting Rescheduled The Evergreen Indiana Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, May 23rd at 1 p.m. CT / 2 p.m. ET.  The annual meeting is required by Evergreen Indiana Library Consortium Read More

April 4, 2022

Good afternoon, Indiana Evergreeners.  The sun is out in Indianapolis and the breeze isn’t threatening hypothermia (today).  This update is “action packed” so please read the subheadings and then see if further investigation is warranted. Welcome to Porter County Public Library System! Read More