Evergreen Phone Calls for Holds Moves to MessageBee Voice on Monday, Dec 16
Evergreen Indiana is partnering with Unique Management Services to launch its MessageBee Voice platform for phone call hold notices on Monday, Dec 16.
What does this mean for Evergreen libraries?
Beginning Monday, Dec 16, Evergreen Indiana phone call hold notices will come from MessageBee rather than the in-house system Evergreen Indiana has used for 15 years. In addition, your patrons’ phone call hold notices will appear to be coming from the phone number listed in the Evergreen Indiana Local Administration Organizational Units section for the pickup library branch location. It’s difficult to test for how the new system will enunciate the name of every single library branch in Evergreen Indiana, so please let us know if you or your patrons have any issues with the new platform. We will work with Unique to correct any issues where possible.
Please submit any issues encountered as a helpdesk ticket at https://help.evergreen.lib.in.us (or click the link in the staff interface).