Weekly Update – May 24, 2011

Setting the default price for items

Setting the default price for an item is an activity easily automated using copy editor templates. In creating a copy editor template, staff can either use the Evergreen Indiana consortium default price ($10.00) or save their own price in a template. For example, my library wants to apply a $15.00 price to all adult fiction books. I have saved the adult fiction copy editor template to set the item price at $15.00 when I apply the adult fiction template. Libraries can also use the Evergreen Indiana consortium default price. If your library prefers to use the consortium default price, make sure the price field says <Unset> and not $0.00. The $10.00 consortium default will automatically be applied if the price field says <Unset>. The default price will not be applied if the staff member keys in $0.00. We encourage each library to run a report to find out what items in their collection are marked as $0. Once you have those results, you can manually change the price of items incorrectly marked $0. In the future, use the copy editor templates to apply a different fee or to apply the consortium default fee.

Report which shows all items in a library’s collection with a fee of $0.00 (provided by Mike Peters)
In the Staff Client, go to Local Admin -> Reports -> Shared Folders -> Templates -> Admin -> EI Templates -> Item Records -> Items with a price of $0.00.
Description: This report is used to generate a listing of barcodes which have a price of $0.00. This will prevent the consortium default price from being billed for these items. An empty (null) value should be used in lieu of a price of $0.00.

Sample report

Claimed returns

Currently, a patron can have a total of three claimed returns. The local system admin can override the three claimed returns to allow the patron to check out. There can be two situations when a claimed return transaction will be considered complete:

  1. When the patron pays for the item
  2. When the item is found and checked in.

In either of these two situations, the claimed return won’t continue to display in the patron record because the transaction is considered complete. Also, the total number of claimed returns on a patron’s record is unaffected by completed claimed returns transactions.

Circulation Committee Meeting

Some suggestions by the Circulation Committee to questions raised by Evergreen Indiana community

  1. Where to put out of state license information?Primary Identification Type -> Choose Other -> Primary Identification -> Enter the state abbreviation and the license number
  2. Stat Cats have been recommended to make tracking and identifying reciprocal borrowers easier for library staff. Local System Admins can set up stat cats for each township/county the library serves. When staff are registering a patron, they can choose the corresponding township/county stat cat to organize their reciprocal borrowers.
  • Please see the following for more information on how to set up and use statistical categories:
  • To view what stat cats have been applied to a patron, in the patron record go to Other -> Statistical Categories