Weekly Update – October 12, 2011

Some important dates for 2012

We are drawing near to the end of 2011 and I would like to remind the consortium about some important upcoming dates concerning many different programs and policies that will be implemented in 2012.

Blue library cards

Distributing blue Evergreen Indiana library cards to patrons will begin January 1, 2012. Soon, I will be finalizing orders on blue library cards and distributing proofs for each library to approve.

Payment program

Based on how the Boone County credit card pilot in November goes, the payment program will be extended to the consortium tentatively in January 2012. We will share the documentation that has been approved by the State Board of Accounts with each library before the consortium-wide implementation of the payment program.

Acquisitions module

As many of you know, the acquisitions pilot is an ongoing pilot that we may be able to extend to the consortium in the near future. There are no dates set for consortium-wide implementation but we continue to set up vendors, create documentation, and work with our pilot libraries to implement the acquisitions module.

New members

New members to Evergreen Indiana usually join quarterly. Our first group of libraries will go live in April 2012.

2012 Evergreen International Conference

The 2012 Evergreen International Conference will be held April 25-28, 2012. The international conference is planned to take the place of our annual meeting in order for our EI community to make the most efficient use of their limited time and resources.