July 19, 2024 Update

See below for the a plain text version.

Evergreen Indiana Weekly Update

Happy Friday, everyone! Check out the news and upcoming events below.

Q2 Invoices

The 2024 2nd Quarter invoices are now available via the web client. Payment will be due 35 days after receipt. Please contact Courtney Brown at 317-232-3691 or at cobrown@library.in.gov with any questions.

Transit Supplies Form Update

I have added branch options to systems who have multiple InfoExpress stops so transit supplies go to the correct library. If I’ve missed you, please let me know!

Regional User Groups

Registration for the upcoming Regional User Groups will open at the beginning of August. Check the calendar for dates and locations.

Wowbrary and Aspen

If you have an active subscription to Wowbrary and would like to update the catalog links in your newsletter to your Aspen catalog, please contact Jeff Levinsky at jeff@wowbrary.org.

Digital Barcodes in Aspen

Patrons logged in to their Aspen account can now see a digital version of their library barcode on the Your Library Card page. Libraries may choose to use this as an alternate form of their physical library cards.

South Whitley’s Aspen FAQs

Need a little inspiration on promote Aspen to your patrons? Check out South Whitley’s Aspen FAQ page! It includes a quick video and information on how to use the My Account feature!

Update Contacts

It’s that time of year again! Please check the Circulation Support Contact List and the Cataloging Contact List to make sure your library’s information is up to date. Email Britta with any changes at bdorsey@library.in.gov

MessageBee Update #3

It has been brought to our attention that selecting a carrier is still required when placing holds through the staff catalog or the classic catalog. We are recommending you continue to select a carrier for now while we look into it.

Last Day for Pool

Today marks the end of the current Barcode Buying Pool, so make sure you get your form emailed before the end of the day! The next pool is scheduled for the week of October 14.

Training Opportunities

The Circulation fundamental webinars are getting updated! Check back in August for scheduled webinars! Make sure to also check the calendar for other scheduled training opportunities and upcoming committee meetings.


Don’t forget that your patrons have access to Gale Legal Forms and the Chilton Library database by using their Evergreen Indiana library card! Contact Courtney for access info.


We’re taking a look at libraries who have celebrated their Evergreen Indiana anniversaries this week!

July 16, 2009 – Andrews-Dallas Twp Public Library, Loogootee Public Library, Middletown Fall Creek Twp Public Library, Lynn-Washington Twp Public Library

July 16, 2010 – Milford Public Library