Weekly Update – December 14, 2011

Upgrade to 2.1

Evergreen Indiana libraries were upgraded to version 2.1.1 on the weekend of December 9-11, 2011. Preceding the upgrade, all servers had their Debian operating systems upgraded from Lenny to Squeeze. Likewise, all PostgreSQL database servers (production, reports) were upgraded to version 9.1. These upgrades were put in place to take advantage of the latest functional improvements and security features of their respective software platforms. The installation of the Evergreen 2.1.1 software completed early Sunday morning and was tested by Adams Library System and Morgan County Public Library with the remainder of the consortium coming live Monday morning, December 12.

So far, the upgrade looks to have gone as well as expected. The Evergreen Indiana IT team are finding minor bugs as they are reported. Further, returns of searches and reports are likely to be a little slower than normal through Wednesday as the replication of data from the production server to the reports server completes.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation and please continue to report issues through the helpdesk via either the staff client or your browser:


2012 Evergreen International Conference

We are accepting program proposals for the Evergreen International Conference until December 16! Some areas that the program committee felt should be better represented in the program include inventory, cataloging, and holds. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please fill out an application and turn it into the Evergreen Indiana Coordinator by December 16! What better opportunity to share our knowledge with the international community!

2012 EG International Conference Program Proposal

Advanced Cataloging training

There are two Advanced Cataloging classes scheduled for the first quarter of 2012! Libraries without a Cat1 on staff and libraries new to the consortium should consider attending.

January 18, 2012 Online Webinar

February 16, 2012 at Harford City Public Library

Blue cards

Orders for blue cards have been finalized. Libraries may not receive them before January 1, 2012 but should receive them soon after. Libraries should plan on implementing them whenever they receive the blue cards.

Executive Committee meeting

The Executive Committee minutes from the October 11, 2011 were improved and approved at the Executive Committee meeting on December 13, 2011.