January 10, 2025 Newsletter
See below for a text-only version of the newsletter!
Some Fixes Coming Our Way
We’ve been watching the community closely for fixes to some of our more frustrating bugs. We are in the process of testing and will add the fixes to production once we confirm they work. These include:
- Cataloging: Spacing in the Date1 and Date2 fixed fields
- Cataloging: Double fields when using Ctrl-D and Ctrl-Enter
- Acquisitions: Multi-branch libraries couldn’t see all of their funds
Aspen for Administrators
On January 16 at 3pm (ET) we will be discussing the administration side of Aspen. We’ll take a look at how to customize your Aspen catalog in preparation for launching it to your patrons. This will include browse categories, placards, library settings, and more. Register here to join us!
2024Q4 Invoices Available
The 2024 4th Quarter invoices are now available via the web client. Payment will be due 35 days after receipt. Please contact Courtney Brown at 317-232-3691 or at cobrown@library.in.gov with any questions.
Parts Reminder for Catalogers
This just came up in a helpdesk ticket. Please make sure, when adding your items to a record that only has a single volume of a set or series (think graphic novels or manga), to not add a part. Since we now require a part to be selected, this can negatively affect hold placement in the classic OPAC and request attempts through Aspen.
Annual Conference
We will be sending out a request for proposals soon, so start thinking about what you want to learn about (or present!) at the annual conference in August.
Training & Events
Make sure you check the calendar frequently to see upcoming webinars and events!
Don’t forget about the databases available to your patrons through the consortium: Reference Solutions, Gale Legal Forms and the Chilton Library database by using their Evergreen Indiana library card! Contact Courtney Brown for access info.