UPDATE: Reports Module Template Project

Good morning, all!

I wanted to give you an update on the template project.

We have begun emailing libraries that have templates assigned under library staff working accounts that have expired (likely no longer employed). We’re asking libraries to check the list and let us know if you want the templates moved to another active staff working account or be deleted. We are using the Circulation Support Contact List for emailing, so please make sure that your library’s contact is current. If you prefer someone else in your library to be contacted, please let me know.

On Monday, October 7, we will begin removing old templates from the shared folders. We are avoiding templates used for annual reports and templates that have been run in the last 30 days. We will only be looking at the folders created by Admin Team staff (redavis, kkaffenberger, eireports, lfloyd-ISL, isl-jasonb) at this time.


Thank you!