Weekly Update – December 4, 2012

Order promotional materials

By now, each EI library has received their Evergreen at 100 promotional materials. If you have not yet received your package, please contact the Evergreen Indiana Coordinator ASAP. Many libraries expressed a desire to order more promotional items. The company Bright Ideas has offered the pricing and minimums below to those libraries who are interested. Designs will remain the same as with the Evergreen at 100 promotional items.

Laminated book marks
250-10,000/ .30 ea
Pin back button
100/ 1.07 ea.
250/ .75 ea.
500 -5000/ .31 ea.

Sizes small – XL same color t-shirt as prior order.
48-71/ 9.60 ea.
72-96/ 6.65 ea.
97-119/ 5.79 ea.
120-500/ 5.50 ea.

Please contact Janet Craun (317-257-4111 x 243, janet.craun@bright-ideas.org) with your orders and the information below:

Name of person ordering and their e-mail address
Ship to address
Bill to address
Tax exempt number
Phone number

Libraries will have until Friday, December 21 to take advantage of this offer.
Orders will be placed on December 27 and libraries should receive final orders in mid to late January 2013.

RDA Toolkit

Evergreen Indiana libraries have the opportunity to sign up for RDA Toolkit and receive a consortial discount! Please download the instructions, license agreement and order form if you are interested in participating. Return your license agreement and order form by Friday, December 14 to begin the ordering process. Please be sure to read through the instructions regarding where and when to make your payment!

Instructions for ordering RDA Toolkit
License Agreement
Order Form


Cataloging Committee is meeting on December 6 @ 10AM at Hussey Mayfield Memorial Public Library.

Draft Agenda

Reminder that the OverDrive and EC meetings have been pushed back to Friday, December 14 for Indiana Statehood Day.