Weekly Update — July 28, 2015

Committee News

The Executive Committee will meet at 1pm on August 11, 2015 at the Indiana State Library. Streaming information will be released next week for remote viewers.

The eContent Committee will meet at 10am on August 11, 2015 at the Indiana State Library. We will have vendor presentations from Niche Academy and LibraryIdeas.

Committee meetings are open and member libraries are encouraged to attend and contribute to the discussions!


Ballots for the latest bylaws update are due to the Coordinator by August 7, 2015!

Upcoming Evergreen Indiana Training Opportunities

August 25
Advanced Cataloging, Part I, 9am-Noon, Webinar. You must register for and attend both parts to be eligible for your Cat1 and receive your 6 TLEUs.
August 26
Advanced Cataloging, Part II, 9am-Noon, Webinar. You must register for and attend both parts to be eligible for your Cat1 and receive your 6 TLEUs.
September 28
Basic Circulation, 9am-12pm, Indiana State Library, Room 428 (3 TLEU)
Holds, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Indiana State Library, Room 428 (2 TLEU)
September 30
Basic Cataloging, 9am-12pm, Indiana State Library, Room 428 (3 TLEU)
Local Administration, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Indiana State Library, Room 428 (2 TLEU)